Saturday, February 1, 2014

The DIY D&D Community Just Keeps on Giving

I am sure that most of the readers of this blog have already scoped out these great new products but I just want to be sure that everybody out there is aware of them.

The first is the most recent issue of Greg Gorgonmilk's great community sourced 'zine: Underworld Lore. UL #3 continues to deliver the high quality, community sourced content that the first two issues have delivered.  #3 is a Hyborean special. I love the way in which Greg concentrates each issue on a specific topic. Though I play S&W, I did support the AS&SH kickstarter; I have mined the game for hacks and setting material time and time again.

Download it here... Now! My thanks go out to Greg and all of the UL contributors past and present. 

The other great new offering is installment one of the 2013 Secret Santicore. For those of you who do not know what the Santicore is, it is the accumulated wish lists of the DIY D&D community with community generated tables, rules hacks, etc. which fulfill the community's wishes. Download the Santicore! The Santicore has been delivering great, community sourced content for years and  I hope it will continue for years to come. Great job and thank you Joey!

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